POSY comes in mini travel tin sizes

Tips - deodorant and little mini tins

Over the last few months I have been walking with a friend who was going on a hike in the Grand Canyon. He has been carrying a big backpack and I have a little pack with provisions to get me through the day.

The walks have ranged from 15km - 25km and a lot of moaning from me but also a lot of happy moments.

I have really put the deodorant through the exercise test and I am happy to report that on the journey home I smelt as fresh as on the journey there in the morning.

I sent my friend off with a little mini tin of deodorant, so he did not have too much weight to carry. One little tip is that the tube size is the perfect size for a little tin. So if you have a tube and a tin, you can slice off some from the tube and have a handy little tin for when you want something small to pop into your bag.

He has just come back from the Grand Canyon and our training was worth it as he had a great time. We will now be doing more flat walks through the summer - yay to less hills.